Sunday, 23 February 2020

It's not COVID-19, but miserable anyway

We've been sick for three weeks, first ys and d, then sys and d, and then hb and d and ys and now me. Not very nice disease, but at least this is not that corona-virus. I haven't see number Two for two weeks (and now she's tree weeks). My sister has sent me a lot of pictures, but it's not the same thing. Her children might be the closest I get to grandchildren, and right now I feel it of course it might be also this flu which is making me feeling blue - I hade +40C temp during the day today, but I think I'm on the mend now.
Maybe my body got the shock it needed when I was taking 'Suma for a pee and she found a raccoon dog and chased it throught the woods and I had to run(crawl) after them. Raccoon dogs do possum when they are threatened, they play dead. It's very convincing, at least 'Suma is buying it.
But now she's very pleased to herself and sleeps happily on the chair next to me. I can't sleep, I slept 5 hrs in the afternoon.
Third storm in three weeks, no damages to our property. Old man's cousin's forest got some wind damage, one bigger spruce fell during the night. We even had a power cut last night, but it didn't last long. Kids were very dissapointed, they wanted to use torches and light candles!
No flooding, ditches have a lot of water but it runs freely. I know near lakes there is floods, and near rivers even more. Fields in many places are lakes, and there's fish where's usually hares!

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Endless November with flu and other stuff

There is a common understanding this is officially the longest ever November. It begun in the middle of October and so far there's no end in sight. It's easy to discuss these days with total strangers: oh, please be wary of  at my car, it's so muddy - oh, so is mine, it is this November, can't bother to wash it anymore or: I'm sorry, I didn't notice you - oh it's all right I haven't properly woken up today as this November really gets me or: It's so dark, I do miss snow - yes! Who'd ever thought you could miss slush and plowing snow?!

We have our own version of COVID-19. Three kids sick so far, I thought I was going to get sick on Sunday end eded up drinking big pots of ginger-sage-mint-meadowsweet tea with honey. No signs of serious flu, yet. But D is really suffering, she was off school last week (exam week no less) and missed two exams, but then she has been out of school this week, too (managed to get to school only on two days); high fever, sore throat and nasty cough (somehow I always hear Michelle Gomez as Missy saying nasty...), and apparently sys is also having as hard time. Youngest got off more easily, but his cough is persisting. My friend just messaged her family is sufferting this, too.

Some days it feels like April when I'm walking with 'Suma. It's not a good thing, because, there will be frosts all the way to late May or early June, so no gardening can't be done in several weeks. Everything is muddy and grey and miserable. I guess nature is much more resilient than I am, most animals benefit of lack of snow (no need to dig for food) and freezing temperatures. Most plants will do allright, their rythm is scheduled by light (lenght of day) and not temperatures.
I put some corn, peas and sunflower seeds to sprout, I'd like to get some shoots to eat. But I think it's too dark for them! There's no snow to reflect light so it is really dark most of times. But I have seen sun this week!

I got my sewing machine back, 91€ with parts and proper cleaning, it should be working like a dream now! Owner (and mechanic) of the sewing machine repair shop said to me I shouldn't buy a new one, because my Pfaff is such a good workhorse. I have so many plans I don't know where to start! but at least I finished my winter jumper because I couldn't sew...  (I usually cast on a new jumper on Christmas, and finish it in maybe two years, I have few still halfway done from years ago, shame on me! Wip's, I have some...) Numer Two needs a pretty dress, but I have not the right fabric (black polkadot!) but tiny dress doesn't take much fabric.

Ys's room is slowly progressing. It might be ready by summer... Which summer, I don't know. Now I have bought treatment for the plastered wall and found a piece of plywood for windowsill.

Saturday, 8 February 2020


Sister gave birth to a lovely girl on Monday. I had to arrange my schedules to be able to visit them - a good thing they moved here December, I couldn't have had time to go for a five hour trio this week.
My time was limited, because I had to make a working trip late night on Tuesday (and no, I don't get paid overtime for doing these, it's not extra income, it's all included in my montly salary; but I do get back travel expenses).
I was able to sew rocking chair cover I promised, and I was left with a small patch of leftover fabric. I decided to sew a pillow (I nipped in Ikea while on that working trip, they have decent toilets... so bought a cheap pillow to use as filling). This morning I was sewint that pillow cover, and my sewing machine broke! Presser foots (feet?) don't hold on anymore, and I just can't figure out what's wrong. Luckily I know a very good sewing machine shop few blocks from office, so I'll be going there on Monday.
I have been very satisfied with that simple Pfaff, I've been using it for 17 years (I just counted, because to me is't the new sewing machine!). I (or my mother, but I used it) had Husqarna electric sewing machine in the 80's and 90's, I sew most clothing my sister wore as a child (overalls, winter clothing, swimming suits, undies, fantasy dresses, plain t-shirts etc), all dresses I wore at any occasion... We also purchased a second hand Bernette interlocker in the late 80's. Husqarna was a wonderful machine, I could do a lot embroidery with it, and I LOVED the memory function; no problem to make 25 identical buttonholes! but it struggled with heavy fabrics, like several layers of denim.
Last thing I ever used it for was to hem my os's black trousers for his brothers' funerals. Right after that it just turned off and it couldn't be repaired. A year after that I finally bought a new machine (right before d was born, I wanted to sew some things for her, too), but couldn't spent thousands. So I settled on very simple and practical sewing machine which was cabable of sowing several layers of denim (I've tested it's abilities with 8 layers).
So I hope my machine can be repaired, because I think I can't get as good new machine anymore. I just can'n think life without sewing machine.

I learnt to sew when I was about five. My mother had two sewing machines, one basic Singer and one ancient Singer treadle machine (from her grandmother). I learnt to use the treadle machine, it made straight stitch and zig zag. First thing I ever made was a doll dress, long gone and forgotten. Everyone I knew had sewing machines, and used them. My second real summer job was in a large clothing factory as a seamstress, and next three years I worked in a large laundry doing alterations and repairs to work clothing they rented. So for four years I earned my living sewing.
My aunt was a seamstress, she had to retire early because she got byssinosis .