I think I've been moaning enough about my poor poor garden. Endless rains and hot and dry weather both sucks when you have clay as soil. This soil is blue clay, so you can't even make bricks out of it, bah.
But it's not all misery. I've been improving soil in my veggie plot for 7 or 8 years now, and I see so much changes! There's plenty of worms, weeds have changed from thistles to nettles and chickweed, and after even this summer of floods and drought my soil is still workable, I can dig it easily. Of course it would be much much better if I could use mulching to cover everything, but right now I can't get enough mulch to to that (a lot of little things like a new mower which shreddes grass into atoms so I can't use that anymore).
Another thing is that water was an issue this summer. We have our own groud water well, and when groundwater levels are low, we have only little water. And due to several little things, again, I didn't save water for watering (like breaking tap in my huge watertank, it's about 20 years old and the tap was plastic...).
Weather is something I can't change, but I can prepare for it. Next summer I will be better prepared, that's ok.
But. There are bunch of much better gardeners around.