Sunday, 29 October 2023

Another working trip

This last week I was away most of weekdays. 'Suma is really upset, she worries every time I move that I might just jump into car and drive off again. Poor girl.

I was in Spain, sunny and rainy Spain (the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain - in my own language it was not this phrase but completely different, but is worked the same way, taught to say words right way). I'm totally knackered, not only because each travelling day was over 10 hours (and mine wasn't even the longest). This time I talked not only English, but some Swedish, Norwegian (nynorsk), Danish (never again, I swear every time!) Spanish, Italian and... not French! I did sit next to a nice French colleague who was nice enough to talk to me in English, because French is something I just don't get. Other colleagues pointed out that it's scary they'll never now whether I understand them or not, when they are speaking their own language. But it all comes down to the fact that most European languages are all derived from same origins, Latin, Viking (ancient Swedish I think), German something. The words are similar enough for me to understand the basic meaning, so I know roughly the issue people are talking about. Nynorsk is basically written Danish, so much easier than Danish.

All my colleagues are really nice people, I hope I would met their expectations, too. I got some contacts/names for my work - I really should update my LinkedIn profile.

But now my head doesn't work at all. That may be due to flu I got after I came back home, definitely something I got from during flights. Oh well, it is not Covid (according to test). And I'm cold. But that on the other hand is mainly due to the fact it's -10C outside.

So very accurate beginning of winter time. I was planning on mushrooming today with sys (his idea), but no, not now. If it's getting any warmer, we will go for the very last time for this year. I need the silence of my forest after all that hassle.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

And winter is about to be here, again

 It's 2 degrees of Celsius outside and raining heavily. Only a bit colder and rain will turn into snow. It's only matter or hours, maybe.

It's not funny. We had unusually warm September - average temperature was the same as in unusually cold July we had this year. My vegetables were on their most profilic state this week, and I had to harvest them all... Well, not all, but most. Like all beans (I have some in the polytunnel, but they will keep few more days), and most of pumpkins. I couldn't get all corn harvested before we had the first frost night last week, but it seems to be ok. For now.

Something ate all my carrots while I was away. It kindly left me all the tops, but unfortunately they were all wilted by the time I was able to take a look of what has happened. Some sort of ... big mouse? A water mole, I think. I know, I know, it has a big family to feed, too. But I would have loved to eat more of my own carrots, they were lovely.

Broad beans had grown whole new growth in September, they all had few new stalks with dozens of flowers. Such a pity :-( In summer they didn't had that much flowers.

I was again asked to get some food bank/distribution items, because they had abundance on produce and bread. I got nine bags of bread/rolls and few french loafs as well as pasties. I got lettuce, apples, plums, nectarines, beets, potatoes (why I didn't take carrots?  I knew I don't have any...) purple cauliflower etc. I made subway-type dinner that night, everyone chose their own toppings and I slightly toasted them in the owen - just to melt cheese.

Today I made jam with plums and apples and one nectarine. I just cut them into small chunks (took off  cores/stones and spoiled bits) and cooked with jamming sugar (it has pectine). It was lovely, os had spoonful and said it's nice - so it was really yummy!

I've been freezing and dehydrating mushrooms, and we have been eating them daily. Maybe next year we will not have a good mushroom year, so we try to enjoy this years abundance as much as possible.

Mil is moving in to supported living next weekend - she was signed in the queue last spring and was told it might take up to two years to be able to have a place. She has trouble hearing, is loosing her eyesight and have slight memory issues. She had her 90th birthday in September...

My grandma on the other had is put on palliative care. She's 93, and more or less blind, half deaf and has had alzheimers over 10 years. My brother went on to see her today, and sent messages that she's really poorly.  She doesn't eat or drink. She's lost her oldest son and son's only child this year (both had cancer).

We are expecting her to go in two weeks :-( 

That's how it is.