I usually work only on week days, and on office hours. Weeeellll, that's a bit flexible to say, because I quite often stretch my days to Portuguese or Irish office hours. During the winter it doesn't matter, there's nothing I can do outside anyway, winter is time to hunker down and enjoy warmth of my home.
Sometimes I need to work at different times. This weekend was one of those times. It was ok, my hours were long of course, but it is what it is. It is quite peculiar to walk through stations in the late night or early morning hours, it is a complete different people living in night than in bright daylight.
This will be a very long winter. I begun on October, and seems to drag on forever. We were prepared for a long winter, but this has been extraordinary long and cold. We had twice the amount of firewood, and unfortunately even this hasn't been enough! Right now I'm sitten by my fireplace enjoying the warmth of burning real fire - it is so different heat from any other heat.
O by the way, due to several reasons this is going to be a VERY tight year financially. My paid salaries will be down 5k€ from what it was last year (including raising income tax). So we will eat trough last of our savings? I will get our car loans paid this year, and that leaves some extra for my budget. Let's hope there will be no extra expenses coming...