Sunday 6 October 2024

And it's October

I don't know how days go past so fast - or rather weeks. It was August, and September somehow just rushed by, waved and puff! it's October.

August and September were exceptionally warm months, summer didn't want to leave. And then in one morning it was autunm, trees went yellow and red overnight, grass turned golden yellow just like that.

Now we have had frosts - few years ago frosts were here in the end of August, not in the beginning of October...

I'm quite confident we will have winter very soon and without any warning. Bugger.

I've been mushrooming, today we were in our forest, me, my sister, Number One and 'Suma. In 45 minutes we picked our bags full of mushrooms, and we hardly touched the edge of the mushroom harvest there. I still need few bags more mushrooms to freezer. It's going to be an expensive winter, I think.

At least I managed to pay off one car loan, and another has only one half payment left. Then all vehicles are our own again! And it gives me a small extra sum of money to build up an emergency fund. For now my emergency find is my Master Card, which is not good. I have still money reserved for some specific purposes, like sys's drivers licence...

Since beginning of covid our money situation has been tightening and tightening - we are not buying anything more than before, but everything is so much more expensive. We have less money to spend with higher prices. I don't get paid more if I work more, I could have the hours off, but will not get any extra money. Hb is working only day shift, so no extra money from night shifts either.

But we'll manage, I just need to cut all extra spending (not much there) and be wary of any pitfalls. Few more years and our mortage is completely paid off. Hb might get a small amount as inheritance once hir parent's house is sold - but it could take two or three years before that happens, and keeping up the house costs us around 200 euros per month! I have suggested that the house be put up for rent, but it's too much effort, they say (hb and his siblings).  Oh well, it's only money 😡