I've tried to find time to write a blog post. Once I've made part of the text, cats start a fight od 'Suma needs to go out. And when I', able to continue, I've lost the plot, I had no idea what I was going to say 😆
I've had an interesting winter workwise. I've written an article with my colleagues on a real magazine (about my work)!!! Need to add that to my CV. I've got three more years in the EU commission work, and it means I need to travel abroad. I don't like flying...
The weather in this winter has been miserable. Wet, grey, soggy, lousy. Thick clouds all the time, we haven't been able to see auroras, or full moons or planets. Next week forecast says 20cm snow. Oh NOW it will snow when spring has been here for weeks?
I haven't put any seeds to germinate, because I'll be on work trip next week. After that I might be able to do something with all the seeds I need to get growing. Papricas, chillies, tomatoes, maybe ocra. No aubergines though, our summer is way too short and cool for them.
But the big news! My sister gave a birth to a number three January, so now she has been stuck to sofa with the baby 💗 The baby is growing fast, weight gain is about 500g per week!!!
No pic of number three, but here is my field last weekend:
Polytunnel is still a skeleton, sunny parts of the village are bare, my field has some 10 to 30 cm of snow. Tractor tracks go to our forest, it's time to do next winter's firewood.