Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Oh it's May already?

Oh dear, I propably didn't notice May because all of that snow. I mean really? It was lousy winter, hardly any snow (this was the first Christmas ever we didn't have any snow in our garden) and NOW it is snowing!

This has forced me to delay my gardening. I can't sow anything to the plot yet. Even the greenhouse is way too cold to get anything grow in there. At least inside the house is warm, so my little pots of corn, watermelons and pumpkins receive all the attention for now. And I mean all the attention, we got two kittens just before Christmas (a girl and her brother) and they just love to chew my plantings. Salad I bought a couple of weeks ago and planted on pot? Eaten. Kale I also potted. Eaten and shredded. Parsely? What parsely? That pile of dirt on the floor? Didn't taste good, not eaten. A good thing I get tomato and pepper plants from my mother, she has plenty of them, she had some pouches of old seeds and thought they are not going to germinate. Suprise, they did.

If I'm lucky I can sow some kale, broccoli (purple sprouting for the first time) and spinach soon. And chard. Doesn't sound very promising, but can't help it. Too near the Arctic circle and arctic winds.

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