Because of ... something
bureaucratic mess, our mid term is this week, while all others were having last week off (our town council has decided to close our grammar school and it's caused quite a havoc).
So far I have managed to made this:
It's illfitting, twisted at some places and loose on others, but I'm so proud, I have never made one before! |
Ironing denim fabricks, cutting pieces and sewin took me several hours on sunday, but I thought it'll take me whole week! I even made a cushion, all finished and not left hanging like I usually do.
Then I made these. Not for treasure hunting (sorry about blurry picture, I quess I need new glasses) |
As you can see, that spruce is heavily tilted, it is actually drying and dying. |
I marked dead, damaged or otherwise need-to-removed trees for old man to fell with os. It's actually hard work to walk on the forest and paint those trees. Not painting, but walking sometimes knee-deep heavy snow was. I'm glad I'm not the one to fell those trees! I think we don't need any more wood for the next winter if all those I marked are cutted to dry before mid summer.
This doesn't look bad, but under the pineneedles is about 30-40cm of snow. There trees are left standing, nothing wrong with them. |
I have a hunch I'm not going to sow my salads on the polytunnel next weekend. I was tilted, polytunnel skeleton and raised beds are even. |
Winter is still going strong, even if weather has been mid-march-like lately. I have bought some seeds (chilis, beets, pumpkins...) but I need to make an inventory what I have left from last summer. I think I used all my sunflowers and beans and I'n not sure about salads. need to check them out today. After I have made waffels.
This is my ys's breakfast nowadays. Sliced banana on rye bread (and D vitamin fish) - this is far more healthy than my ham sandwithc! |
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