Monday, 11 March 2019

Weekly goals

I know many bloggers and people in general have this wonderful system, they make goals for the day, week, month, year. Me, not so much.
I have tasks I have to complete during the week, but I've never been a list person. I might make a list, but sometime along I forgot to tick items off from the list. Stuff gets done usually with or without list. Sometimes, when I make a list, it all seems so overwhelming than I possibly can't make it (but usually can).
My weekly goals are usually something like this: survive another school and work week, feed children, pay bills, walk with 'Suma, take care of laundry, keep up with the dirty dishes - most of them are actually daily goals. Darn.
Well, if I consentrate, I might be able to write down a list for this week - this is a birthday week:
-finish a present for sister's partner (he reached the big 30 last week) tomorrow I'll work at home, so I can use washing machine during the day and see what happens
-try to get sister a present (I have ordered it, but have no idea whether it's going to make it before Saturday; her bd is this week)
-fix sister's skirt before saturday (she's lost a few pounds since she was 15; I made that skirt for her 15 years ago!) should be done today evening, because I have to get out of the house with two youngest so hb can get some sleep because he works few night shifts this week
-try to figure out what to wear in their birthday party on Saturday
-take ys to town to get indoors sport shoes and a small present for bdparty he's been invited to - party will be in ys's birthday, but he said it's ok he wants to go to his friend's party (March is awful, last thursday my cousind had her second child, and this child is about tenth in my expanded family who's bd is in March! and among kids friends there is more than a half a dozen who have bds in March, too) maybe tomorrow, because hb still needs to sleep, so I'll take kids to town
-prepare paperwork for Sundays village committee meeting
-attend to sister's and her partner's joint bd party on Saturday
-attend to Sundays village committee meeting

There's much more to do, but these were the easiest to put down.
No, I'm not a list person.

1 comment:

  1. I rarely go back and tick things off my lists either, although I do put reminders on my electronic calendar which is sort of the same thing as it prompts me to deal with upcoming 'stuff'. Often it's simply the act of making a list which enables me to order my thoughts and get going. It's the same with shopping: writing it all down fixes it in my head for when I'm actually in the shop.

    Have you considered making a long term goal of stocking up on suitable presents for your many relatives with birthdays in March so it's not such a hassle trying to sort them all close to the dates? I tend to go mad on Amazon and order three or four months' worth at a time so I know I won't miss them out - but then of course I have to remember where I put them when the birthday date rolls around!
