Thursday, 25 July 2019

Progress so far

So I made a list or to dos I wanted to do duiring my vacation. So far:

I have two weeks off again, I have a list of tasks in my mind I'd like to complete:
-plant cherries (bought in early June?) nope, way too hot
-weed veggie path nope, too hot and as 'Suma wants to be with me, can't go to vp, she'll boil
-feed kids carrots from cold frames that's an easy one, though not every day
-start using beets from frames this is also an easy target; I also use beet tops as char, because I couldn't sow chard until straight to the veg plot, is't coming but slowly
-harvest Belgian garlic from both frames still going on, maybe half harvested (as I pick only what we eat)
-eat potatoes from bags (I still have 13 growing bags of potatoes) had some potatoe meals
-forage mushrooms this will goi on all to way to the winter
-find some more strawberries to make more jam (to say it was a succes is a bit understatement) Yes! Persuated one market stall seller to sell me one more 5kg box even they are now selling only hal kilo punnets; made 9 jars of jam

-take sys and ys to adventure park d wanted to come along, too
-move cut and split wood from field to forest (there's pallets waiting them to be stacked) will not do this now, there's a family of viviparous lizard babies living in the stack, they cute and really need the shelter
-have a little day trip with my sister. done yesterday, d came along, too, again. Nice and funny and we are all still tired.

Might still add something else on that list: take three youngest to nearby natural history museum , we'll take a train and have sushi buffet lunch.

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