Sunday, 8 December 2019

It's been a while

It's been a while, and not for good reasons.

Everything is changing. Old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and it is a death sentence. We (my family and relatives and village as whole) have been relying a lot on him, because he's the one who knows everything and can everything. He's been building our house, felling trees for our firewood, taking care of maintenance of village roads, taking care of three houses...
He doesn't have the most worst type of that disease, but even less worse versions are leathal.
Everything is kind of on hold - part of it is of course the season, late autunm/early winter, when there isn't much to do.
My sister moved near to us, to nearby town. Now our distance is 12km instead of 200km. Number one is a delight, even if a bit lively (an understatement if any). I have had a couple of video meetings while having him around, and they were... interesting, to say.

D is attending college much more eagerly than I thought, part of it is because her friends are there. She's much more socially active than she's been for several years.

I put birdfeeders under some spruces in our yard, I can see them from my desk/dining table. One of our kittens is sitting under trees waiting to catch a birdie... No such luck, and I think he spends his time there just to took busy, not actually wanting to hunt.

But life lately has been drifting fron one disaster to another. Like yesterday. I had doctor's appointment at 10 am, and decided to pick some groceries on my way there. And the car died on a parking lot on one of the stores I visited. Great. Fortunately I was near enough to practise, I managed to get there under 15 mins in pouring rain. Great again.
I was supposed to have a minor operation, max 15mins with local anesthetic. Doctor (lovely Russian lady) broke her equipment and I apparently have vein where there are no supposed to be a vein, so a lot of blood instead of a little plaster. Great. Had to wait few hours to get operation done with another equipment (which didn't broke) and now I have two huge patches of bandages (she found another vein in unusual place, no wonder lab nurses have trouble to get blood, my system is all wrong) and no showering for few days. Great. And had to buy medication (antibiotics etc) I was not supposed to need at all. But anyway, a short 15min app turned to three hour saga.
I got the car running (battery had died but managed to came to live again, so I got home. I called an emergency number and they brought me a new (expensive, but not as expensive I feared) battery and replaced it. Old battery was actually hot, so there was short circuit and it would have let me down soon anyway.

Any good things? My workload on next year will be different from what I feared. Most presents are bought, planned( like rocky road I can't make too early) or made. 'Suma is a delight as well cats. Wood burners work fine, and I have plenty of wood to burn.
And I ordered several Doctor Who dvd:s for my own present (because hb isn't getting me anything). They made a serious dent to my bank account, but I really wanted to have something nice after this Autumnales Horrobilis.

1 comment:

  1. My oldest sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She had a huge operation, survived and is doing well 2 years on. Her treatment meant some bones thinned and broke but those too are healed so you never know. She is 72.
