Friday, 27 March 2020

Physical distance - week 2: This will get easier, right?

This is week 2. Now we are talking about physical distancing. You are not supposed to be a hermit, but to use social media to connect with others.

Soon people are not allowed to travel freely, borders between countries have been shut already and soon towns and districts will be isolated, too. My brother is on the other side of the border, so we might see each other in summer. But luckily post is still working, thye send me a parcel with goodies (cheese, sausages, olive oil, all kind of spreads...) I have eaten first jar of Salsa Tartufata.

Children are adjusting, slowly. D has problems in math, and I think she have to star again next term. But if schools are closed until summer break, I think there are few others, too.

Yesterday I went shopping again, I spent 5 hours going through stores and post office and pharmacy. I've never been so drained out after a shopping spree! You'd think it's easy to buy things if you have a list in your hand. Nope.
First of all, I hade three other lists and then mine. I decided to do my own shopping separately, so I had only three lists.
Secondly, other people eat different foods (different from my family's menu and different from others). I had to go through the mega store from one end to another several times, because I just didn't have any idea where would I find things. Yes, tiny plum tomatoes were easy to find, but where are protein drinks? Is protein drink the same as protein shake? How many pears I should take for two people? There isn't any 8roll pcks of toilet paper, do I take 6roll pcks or 12 roll pck? Where are mocktails? What are moctails? What does mean a sandwich ham without ham? (it was sandwich beef). There's no organig sausages, but there's organic hot dogs, will they do?

But I love to visit our local pharmacy, there's only one or two other customers and everything goes so smoothly: Old man's medication has to be ordered a day before picking it up, so he phones them. I had only his ID with me, and got the medicine and instructions in less than five minutes. And paid for it, too, 4,50€ for a medicine that's priced over 900€ per dose - thank you national health and social service system.

Tomorrow is d's 17th birthday. She wanted to have a nice evening with her friends, a movie night and hamburgers, perhaps. Now they are planning to use netflix's party app to watch a film together miles apart. But it's not the same. We had planned a shopping trip to capital next weekend (as her birthday gift), but we can't travel there at all. I'll bake her a cake and make pizza muffins, and she'll have her presents, but it's not the same.
but it's easier for a 17 year old to understand all this, my co-workers daughter has her bd on monday - there will be no friends to play with, no balloons to give them as gifts... She's been planning her party for a long time.

We are all lucky. We still have our jobs, and have been paid. We are healthy, we have homes and food and families. My wrecked nerves because of home school are absolutely nothing to think about. I'll have another piece of chocolate, maybe some salsa tartufata with french bread I have in freezer and then I'll start cooking kids supper. Salmon and potato fritters/rösti.

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