Tuesday, 20 June 2023

I'm knackered

 Last real working day before summer holiday. Drove something like 500km (with rental, not my own car), and for some reason it was really consuming. Maybe it was the heat, even if the car had nice air con. Maybe it was because I talked like five hours straight? Maybe it was I was among people, not in Teams like it is nowadays. Woke at six, took 'Suma for a walk, went to pick the rental and I was back at five o'clock. Then I fed kids, took another turn in neighbour's garden - I found four more big giant hogweeds that needed to be destroyed, they were on different corner so I didn't see them in the spring. Now they are dealt. For now.

I had to water all rows and pots in veggie plot. My allotment at my parents' (oh no, it's at my sister's now!) has so much better soil. I watered with number two yesterday, and the soil was still wet there. Here at my plot soil is bone dry, it's actually cracking 12 hours after watering! It's very dense clay, so very poor soil for growing any edible plants, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't try year after year.

Maybe my stubborness is the reason I'm so knackered...

But at the allotment I've got 12 pumpkins/courgettes, few dozens of pickling cucumber plants, two rows of beans and some chard. I'm still pondering if I should sow some yellow beets. And next week it's time to sow some spinach and other greens that will bolt if sown too early.

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