Saturday, 29 July 2023

Potato salad and coleslaw

As I can't eat shop bought salads (they usually have some onion or chives or leeks) I lived a substantial part of my life without any mayo-based salads. It didn't occurred to me than I could make them myself. Live and learn.

First I tried coleslaw - it was so simple. Then, much later, when I had purple potatoes, I decided to try to make potato salad. It was even more simple to make. With coleslaw you have to grate or chop a lot, with potato salad you just have to cut potatos and pickled cucumbers, and garlic. Or any other veggies you want to add.

I thought everyone else was making those salads every now and then, and I was the slow one not making them. It seems no-one else is making salads at home, because they can buy them!

Saturday, 22 July 2023

I've run out of blue potatoes!

I've run out of blue potatoes. Bugger, I like to make potato salad with them, it's very pretty because it's so purple! I have to wait until this yeard crop will be ready. After some digging I estimated I need to wait another three-four weeks for them to be ready to use. Main crop will be ready in september, but I have some in my cold frames, they will be ready sooner.

We (the royal we, it's my sister's root cellar but my parents' harvest) have some old white potatoes left, so I made potato salad with those and saved some spuds to make soup/stew next week. After that I have only my early potatoes, not much. For some reason I have both horse radish and potatoes growing in one of my cold frames, there was supposed to be carrots and parsnips. Oh well. I need to dig that horse radish up and re-plant it somewhere it can grow freely. I don't use it much but it's still good to have in case I want to make something like pickles that requires hirse radish.

But we are really in the harvest season now. I know bluberries are not doing great this summer, but our surraoundings have enough of them:

They are the original blueberry, but nowadays they are called bilberries, because American species is called blueberry. I just took that picture to show my aunt she can go and pick berries. My other aunt sent a message saying they are not having any. First time ever ar far as I know.

I will be picking blueberries, too. But my main target is mushrooms. Our mushroom season begun on monday, and yesterday I even found a single tiny porchini to pick. 

This is just enough for a panful of fried chaterelles, and three teenagers ate them all.

With all troubles in the world I feel I need to harvest more than ever to keep my family safe... We also have much more firewood than usually for the winter. I just hope my blue potatoes will yeld a nice crop this autunm.

(they are more healthier than normal potatoes)

Thursday, 20 July 2023



Another non-colour pullover. I have loads of clothing with these cannot discribe colours, muted grayish/brownish/bluish/greenish hues. They go well with blue jeans and everything black I have. Or, if you ask my brother, I have loads of grey clothing - he's a certain type of colourblind so everything not BRIGHT colours are same to him.

The picture is horrible, as I didn't steam/soak/press it beforehand. I like this a lot, it's just the way I wanted, relaxed, warmish and neat enough to wear it when going to town to do errands. Yarn is recycled cotton, I know it will easily turn a bit untidy because of that, but that's ok. I can always shave it.

Haven't been on mood for knitting socks, so I started another one, this time crocheting BRIGHT blue cotton.