Friday, 19 January 2024

It's been cold

Most of the world is suffering hottest years ever. Not here, this tiny spot on the world map has been much colder than usually - it's only around 20 million people who have been affected (few countries).

But it means I'm hauling wood in and burning it in our wood burners - in stove, in a big heat reserving fireplace, in sauna stove and in my little constant burning fireplace. We were prepared for a cold winter and expensive electricity, it's cheaper for us this year than it was last winter, but it still takes an indecent chunk of our income. Last spring and summer I was able to save a nice sum of money, but it was all vanished by the end of the year (I know where it all went, and it was all the expenses I had saved it for). We've had some very tight years because of covid and hb's fall and injuries (he was on sick leave for few months early 2021) and of course due restrictions my income has been a bit smaller that it could've been.

But we are still on surface, not sinking.

I wouldn't mind loosing few kgs, but unfortunately my cooking keeps getting better and better. Today I made a stir fry using just ordinary cabbage (no pak choy or any other fancy named veggie), carrots and sweet pepper (and of course garlic). A slice of a cabbage head had been in the fridge for about month? and before that it was two months in my cold/cool entrance hall (a small room with only one heater fan keeping it from going near zero C) so it was about the time to use it. Sauce was made by the most simple things, soy sauce, cola, corn starch. Some seasoning and that's it. We ate it wit fettucine, not even noodles and it was so good! For teenage boys I fried some pork (freezer) but it really didn't even need that.

Today were back down to -17 decrees (celsius) and tomorrow even colder. On Tuesday evening lowest was -29. And let me tell you it is way too cold even for me. I'm quite happy 'Suma doesn't like that cold either. But the amount of cat litter...🙀

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