Monday 22 June 2020

Have I told you lately... it's hot

We had the most magnificient thunderstorm the other night. Thursday? I think so (I'm off work for few weeks now so I can't remember anything work-related, like last week). We had power cut for about 15 min, which is very rare these days (our porwelines went underground fwe years ago so thunder shouldn't trouble us anymore). Thunder itself lasted almost to hours, and kids kindly woke me up. And rain itself was very much needed, at least in my veggie path and on farmers' fields.

Old man has slowly adjusting to being diabetic, when I called him his biggest worry was that rhubarbs in manor yard won't go wasted (it's a joke, is't s small cottage which old man bought two years ago when last owner had died and his family didn't want it to be sold to other neighbours...) He wants all rhubarb made in to cordial so he can drink it. This is not a great year for rhubarb, it was too dry in early spring (because lack of snow) but it's still growing. He's not getting home yet, which (to my opinion) is a good thing. Even his staples are still on, they are supposed to be taken off this week. And there's a proper ac in the hospital, it's like tropic in their house now.

Because I'm on holiday now, I bagun a new craft project - I've been crocheting baby blankets just because, and I saw a picture of a striped crocheted jumper/tunic I kind of fancied. So, I'm using all left over yarns - which I do have some - and the front is nearly finished. I'm doing it in evenings when kids watch netflix ot youtube, so I don't have to consentrate on tv. I can easlily knit while watching tv, but not crochet. And I think that's the reason I don't crochet so much. It's fun, though.

Veggie plot is not finished yet. I don't know what to do with rest of my brassicas, if I plant them outside bugs eat them in two days. Now they are taking room in my polytunnel, so some of tomatoes are still in their small pots and not growing. My co-worker kindly brought me few cucumber plants (I gave her strawberry plants) and they took some space I had planned for tomatoes...
I know, my problems are tiny.

This is maybe the first year ever i get my spinach to grow. Therefore my new zealand spinach didn't even germinate (sowed twice). Golgen beets and striped beet are growing prettily, but red beets didn't germinate. And chard is looking pretty good even after I planted it in the veggie plot. And beans are doing ok. I stuck some sticks/branches as bean poles, and runner beans are already climbing!
I'm still mad because of corn. I sowed about 50 seeds (expensive quality seeds) and 10 germinated. And few died, so now I have maybe four decent corn plants and two that might still have some green...

Tomorrow we will have afternoon tea, number one is having his birthday party (there will be another party on saturday, but I prefer going tomorrow, so much less people and less hassle). Only trouble is I don't have a present yet, he wants to have a ghost! Grrreat.... I think I have some off white fleece fabric, I'll be sewing a ghost tonight.


  1. Happy sewing!
    My chard is growing too. The past couple years some critter kept eating it, but so far so good this year.
    My big garden challenge this year is watermelons from seeds. I sure hope they grow well.

  2. I got watermelons growing last summer. The were the size of a tennis ball 🤣 but tasted nice.
