Wednesday 14 October 2020

Getting darker

Thank you of your kind words. Smart Girl is gone, we haven't found her. Baby Brother is still miserable,  but at least he is now eating. Another cat from out village has gone missing. 

I have waited and waited to get something happier to write. We're had few covid-tests, negative, some children have been home schooling again and now we have wear masks about everywhere outside home inside- if you are outside masks are not mandatory. I've been working long hours, days and weeks, and somehow I feel I'm actually getting there.

Today, after a long wait and one long trip from which we came back empty handed, we finally got out new girl. She has a name, but I don't know if she is that, maybe she's something else. Time will tell.

Meet out Baby

A poor photo, but I don't want to scare her with flash. It's been really dark days, maybe it's getting brighter when it starts snowing.


  1. Congratulations on the new baby. She looks like our 16 year old girl that became quite ill and had to be put to sleep. Some say that black & white cats ("Tuxedo cats") have superior intelligence.
    We just got a new baby, too, She's all black with a small white patch on her chest. We changed her name, too.
    I'm having to relearn all the kitten things !

  2. Getting caught up on your sad kitty story. One of my favorite cats simply disappeared after we moved here. I was heartbroken and even up to a year later, I would come home and hope to see her on the back porch.

    Congratulations on you new girl! I hope she and Baby Brother become good friends.

  3. Thanks for your visit to my blog. I’ve read back on yours and I’m sorry you lost your kitty, the not knowing makes it worse. The new baby looks adorable, I wish you all many happy years together
