Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Moose soup

Nothing more warming in this endless November than soup. And on a lazy Saturday I can spend my time cooking, it's a process, not a task.

It all started with those sad and miserable carrots I found (I got them from my co-worker in October I think). The very last of that free stuff, may I say - I've been using those carrots diligently. Also was found last swede from that free bag I got before Christmas. Nice start. Some potatoes (from Old Man, so free, too). A forgotten mostly empty bag of peas from freezer? A beet getting soft. Both not free but about 10cents at most. Cabbage, first "cheap" cabbage for this winter, 0,89/kg, so far it's been 1,39/kg. Maybe a fifth of that cabbage head? Lets say 50cents.
If I would have been the only one to eat, this would have been enough. Some seasoning, herbs, and thats it. But others want something more.

So, I have freezer full to the brim and bank balance not so great after long Christmas and all birthdays we have around it. And to be honest I'm fed up with pork - no wonder after two hams...? We have been fortunate to get a lot of moose meat (mostly minced) this year. Over 2kg we recevied as a compensation of using our forest for the hunt, and then we got some from hb's co-worker as a thanks, and then  as a gift from our electricians (hb's nephew) new girlfriend.

Minced moose meat is really fat-free, at least this batch that we have, is. Therefore I dug freezer to get a packet of diced bacon I bought some time ago 50cents/pack. Stock cube, salt, pepper. From the fridge I took two totally empty ketchup bottles and rinsed them with a little bit of water - there's always something left on empty ketchup bottles! So two bottles to recycling and some seasoning to my soup.

I tried to make a small batch, because d was away to watch hockey game with her friends, and os and sys don't eat soup unless it's split pea soup. For os and sys I cooked some pasta and fried moose mince, and carrot sticks (those carrots I bought this week because those remaining free carrots were limp and suspicious looking, so I didn't want them to eat them raw).
Small batck ended up to be 10 portions, so I put few portions into containers to freeze, I'll eat them as my lunch at work.

All and all, soup was about max 2€, so 20c/portion. Maybe this makes up that fact I have to eat out twice this week because I have to travel to head office on two days.

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