Yesterday I decided I need to get ys's room done. Now it's just half-built walls, no ceiling and no flooring.
I taped and put plastic to cover the window, taped and covered with building paper the only ready-to-be-painted wall and asked hb to mix a batch of cement filler and set to work (I have grinded that cinder block wall already). Now wall with a window is plastered, and window opening is almost done. Sounds simple, but me being a short type of a human it took quite a lot climbing ladders up and down. My legs hurt now.
Of course it needs windowsill and before that sides needs anothed go with filler, but it's an improvement, anyway.
And I think I have some arthritis in my right thumb, it was painful to use it. I just hope I can get this houde done before I'm seriously affected (my mother and my brother have it).
Ys wants back wall (which will be built of plain planks) painted/treated dark brown or grey, and two other walls (plasterboard) painted dark grey. I asked him to consider again, because that would make the room look really dark...
Floor will be the same vinyl flooring we have here at dining(livin room), anf ceiling will be also the same white plywood, i have plywood ready and painted.
Of course everything needs a lot time because hb doens't want to do anything, next time I have to make mix by myself - I just hate to attach any equipment to drill, never get it done right on first try. I need somehow to make hb to put up the ceiling, I just can't do it myself (not even with ladders, I'm just too short). Then there's bathroom, kitchen, foyer and stairs. Haha, kitchen kabinets have been in their boxes for three years... Luckily I still like them.
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