Sunday, 17 November 2024

Chocolate semolina pudding

I usually cook one porridge a week. And when I say porridge, I actually cook something rest of the world calls as pudding. 

Today was porridge cooking day, as it is Sunday. On Sundays I try to make something that can be easily eaten during the week as a snack, breakfast or when you are hungry but have no time to make a sandwich!

Favourite is, of course! Semolina chocolate pudding. Chocolate semolina pudding? Chocolate porridge 😁

I'm cooking on the woodstove now. It keeps the house warm and save electricity.

Once cooked, you can see separate semolina grains. This time I used a small amount of polenta, too. I'm the only one liking polenta, and we were given one package. I'm not wasting any food!

You can buy semolina grains with cocoa and other stuff, but it's quite expensive - at least I think it is. It's easy to mix yourself.

1 l milk

1 dl semolina

1 dl sugar

(1 tsp vanilla sugar)

1/4 tsp salt

I cook this in bain marie/double boiler pot, because I just can't cook milk in normal pot without burning it...

I mix everything but salt and let it cook in double boiler for half an hour or longer. In normal pot it takes only 10 to 15 minutes. Once it's cooked, I add salt.

This is very good hot and cold. You can have it with  milk, cream, vanilla custard etc but I just eat as it is. It is very sweet! But this is how we like it.

I also made a sort of Yorkshire pudding. We eat it as a sweet dessert with jam.

I use pizza cutter to make slices, I forgot to take a picture before I sliced this. (and someone had already took a slice or two)

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