As a child I was afraid of dark. While walking to school I frantically squeesed my flashlight. It wasn't very powerful, it was 70's anyway.
Now the darkness is my friend. It's a good thing that we have formed a friendship, becaus during cold seasons there's not much light. It's dark when I wake up. It's dark when I take 'Suma for a walk. It's dark when we leave home when I take ys to school (no public transportation here, school trip is 14 km one way). And of course it's dark when I finish my work, at four pm. Yay.
But it's not pitch dark, there is tones in darkness. Last weekend there was more than enough light - full moon at it's brightest illuminated even forest floor. And if there's clouds, nearby town sheds enought light to shatter it from the clouds so I can walk safely without having to worry about stumbling. It WAS darker in the 70's. There was energy crisis (oil crisis) so street lights in the town were off, if there even were any. It was 70's, not a modern day light pollution era.
And if I don't use any extra light, I can see everything around me, with flashlight I can see only what's in the narrow beam of light. And if there's too dark that I can't see - well, nobody else can't see me neither! So it is safe to walk in the darkness in the countryside.
Cities are totally different. I've never seen so dark shadows like there are in cities - darkness is a deep void, not a soft and comfly blanket like it is in the countryside.
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