Sunday 10 January 2021

Mushroom and freeze

It's getting colder. Funny thing, every time it's getting 5 more degrees down, I need a new piece of clothing. And after two days, I can drop that extra occasionally. Until it gets another 5 degrees ( celsius)  colder  when I need to keep that extra layer and add another piece again.

So it's been a winter. 'Suma loves snow, and she doesn't mind getting frost beard. She's so cute, I love her shnautzer beard!

Kittens hate winter, the cold, the wet and snow. Pretty Boy and Big Brother go outside to do their deeds and rush back as fast as they can. Baby Boy has been outside once and he could't get inside fast enough!

I got a darning mushroom as a Christmas present. I like it a lot, so much easier than using a bottle or a jar...

Can't do darning without proper snacks.

I just don't know how to take photos with my hand holding the phone...

I'm not trying to make pretty patches, I just want holes gone. So far I've got six pair back to daily use. It means I don't have to knit another pair for a while...

1 comment:

  1. How cold does it get in the height of winter where you are? Is there an upper limit on how many layers you're willing to add? Even though the most active I get is walking along the beach it can get very chilly so I buy thermal layers of the kind used by hillwalkers and mountain climbers, and under a good down coat they keep out most of the cold. It's just the exposed parts that are a problem!
    Almost all of our dogs have loved the snow, apart from one great dane who used to try and back into bushes or hedges if it started snowing or raining , even in winter when the hedges were bare. One of my danes who liked his walks so much he'd go out in a blizzard and come back with a coat of snow on his back - nothing was allowed to come between him and his exercise. That said, heavy snow is a rarity here.
    Keep warm and snuggle a kitten - seems like a good prescription to me.
