Sunday 1 August 2021

Finally some rain!

Since wednesday we've had some on and off rain. Wednesday I travelled (by train!!!) to the very big city to farewell party for my co-worker who's off to another office for over three years. We had a lot of sparkling wine😆.  Evening was planned to be a picnic, but for the first time in 5 weeks it was raining bucketfuls. So I put my picnic blanket on the office coffee room's floor - nothing will spoil MY picnic!

I know, my co-workers think I'm bonkers. But at least the leaving one already knows that, he has known me and my brother since my brother moved to Danmark.

It was lovely small gathering, and eventually we spent some time on nearby rockcliff watching sunset. And THEN we slept in a HOTEL!!! First time since March 2020.

Now I have two weeks before hb's nephew's wedding, and I'm planning to isolate myself until that.

Garden isn't producing much, but at least we get all lettuce we need. This seems to be ok year for beans,  apart from broad beans which seems  hate hot weather. My black currants are loaded, berries might be small but bushes are full of them. I have four chili pods growing, there's a lot of flowers but it's a bit late.

I pulled most of garlic today, not much but a lot better that nothing! There's still few on the other frame,  so I will have enough to plant next years cloves later.

Big Brother wasn't amused. Rain and thunder is not his favourite weather.

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